We will never flood your inbox with newsletters! We only send them out when there is something to say or report. So that you don't miss out on any event or special wine offer sign up for our 'infrequent' newsletter.
If you give us your birthday month then we will send you a voucher for a 'Have a little treat on Us' at the winery, valid for the entire month of your birthday. Only one Birthday Voucher permissible per table please. Note: Birthday vouchers are sent out prior to the first of the month. Therefore, any birthday sign ups for the current month will not receive a voucher until the following year. You need to be signed up to the Birthday Club 30 days prior to your birthday in order to qualify.
**Sign up and receive a FREE glass of wine on your Birthday Month**
Gisborne Peak Winery's Simple Mailing List Policies:
- We hate spam. Unless you authorise it or we're compelled by law, we won't share your mail address with anyone else, ever.
- We value your information. We'll keep it as secure as we can.
- We will send mail at reasonable intervals, which is at most a few times a month and definitely not once a day.
- We'll do our best to meet all applicable privacy, spam, and other relevant rules and regulations. If you think we've failed to do that, please contact us so we can investigate and correct as required.